Sunday, June 13, 2010

I spy with my Beady eye.......

NINJAS!These ones come to us from mooshoopork over at etsy!
These little deadly fellas are sure to add some KAPOW! to play time. Or Set them next to the door to ward of intruders. Also, over at mooshoopork are some super cute wooden toys! Don't tell the other NINJAS But I kinda like these pirate ladies. My Daughter may get these in her stocking.... This shop is full of awesome goodies! GO SEE! That's not a request, You never know If I am watching you. You can't see me!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

You can't See Me

to give these Ninjas some love. I know they would appreciate it. They may even spare your life for it!

Ninja spotting!

This NINJA is brought to you in part by Who makes the most amazing art! You totally need to hop over there and see!

Along with the Ninja I also LOVE these birds!
